スパイダーマン ミントコイン1トロイオンス 0.999シルバー1996年頃に販売された、スパイダーマン ミントコイン5000枚限定品です。シリアルナンバー入り。日本では出回らないレアな一品です。コインケースに入っていますが、銀特有の黄ばみがみられます。よろしくお願いします。one troy ounce .999 silver.Certification Number: 1526ALL OF THE ABOVE SPECS IF WRRITEN ON THE ACTUAL COIN ITSELF.Coin is in it's original plastic capsuleSpider-Man Silver coin. The art is designed by Marvel Illustrator Steve Skroce and emphasizes the signature traits we have all come to know and love about the ol' Web-head. On the flipside, the coin is serially numbered and provides a brief biography about Spider-Man's origins. The coin comes factory sealed within a durable, protective plastic capsule and inside a black felt jewelry case. This is a limited edition collectible coin, ONE of only 5,000 produced by the Highland Mint for the Marvel Comics Collection. Coin measures 1 1/2-in. in width, and is one troy ounce .999 silver.